
Koh Chang – Piece of relaxation for the end

As I decided to end my travel in Souteast-Asia with some beach and sun, I headed for my last week to Koh Chang from Siem Riep. The trip itself was quite okay, only 10 hours in total (bus to the Thailand boarder, boarder controls, mini-van to Trat and then ferry to Koh Chang and finally taxi to Lonely beach).

                   My Bungalow

I had a lovely bungalow in Koh Chang and for the next 6 days I honestly just lied on the beach and did two fun dives. The diving sites weren’t that nice as in Koh Tao so I decided to have only that one diving trip and stick to the beach.   

And what happened on the second last day? I burned totally. I had been swimming and planned to let the water on my body to dry a bit before putting some sunscreen on but instead of sunscreen I fall asleep for almost 2,5 hours and woke up totally red. In this point I already knew everything was lost so there was nothing more to do for me than taking my last swim in the ocean (since I knew it would be so painfull on next day if I would like to do it) and heading back to my bungalow for a shower. And what a night it was. Extremely painful and my whole skin felt like in flames. The last full day I had to stick inside and only times outside of bungalow were my food trips to restaurant but since even sitting was too painful these food trips were mainly to supermarket to buy some soy milk drinks which I could drink with a straw in a lying position (not to stretch my horribly burned belly at all and keeping it under the air con breeze).

                                          Serendipity on my morning walk

                                              My last sunset in paradise

So that kind of relaxation. Next and final stop before China: Bangkok with Henna and Sampo.

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